Altar Server Program
Young people grades 3-12 serving the Lord at the altar during Mass
Contact: Daniel Skora, 317-871-1497
Joey Vasil, 708-495-3990
Altar Society
Assists with maintaining our liturgical space and cleaning the altar linens and other liturgical items used during Mass
Contact: Kelly Barmann or
Angel Tree Program
Gathers & distributes gifts for families of prisoners at Christmas
Contact: Sarah Nanos, 317-417-6430
Art & Environment
Decorates the worship space throughout the liturgical year
Contact: Charlie Revard, 317-752-6776
Julie Revard, 317-225-9350
Patty Carroll, 317-440-9396
Athletic Program (CYO)
Coordinates and assists with athletics and other opportunities for youth in the parish
Contact: Brett Herschel, 317-283-1518
Babies & Bagels/Tots & Tea
Monthly gathering for parents/caregivers and their little ones
Contact: Melinda Rivelli, 317-283-5508
Offers support to families of parishioners who have lost a loved one
Contact: Kyle Murphy, 317-283-5508
Bible Study
Provides opportunity to study and share God’s Word in group setting
Contact: Mary Seaman 812-867-7233
Care Packages
Assist in assembling and/or delivering care packages to those in need of a little cheer (i.e. the bereaved, homebound, and seniors)
Contact: Claire Phillips, 317-283-5508
Teach St. Joan of Arc youth our faith
Contact: Claire Phillips, 317-283-5508
Community Garden
Provides garden allotments to local public while nurturing a sense of community
Contact: Kathleen Berry Graham, 317-340-3082
Engaged Couple Sponsors
Facilitate engaged couples’ preparation for married life
Contact: Martha Horvath, 317-283-5508
Eucharistic Adoration
Prayer and devotion to Jesus Christ in the Blessed Sacrament
Contact: Jami Allee, 317-370-7927
Eucharistic Ministers
Reverently distribute the body and blood of Christ
Contact: Deacon Mark Henry, 317-283-5508
Eucharistic Revival
Assist with events and programs that promote a greater understanding of and devotion to the Eucharist
Contact: Matt Duffy 616-293-7165
Finance Council
Assists the pastor in making decisions regarding parish finances
Contact: Dan Thompson, 317-459-3468
Food Volunteers
People who are willing to provide food for various parish events and/or meals to parishioners who have recently had surgery or a baby
Contact: Alisa Kaczorowski, 574-298-1282
French Market
Annual festival and largest fund raiser that has evolved into a major neighborhood street fair with live bands, artisan booths, children’s games and an array of French food. More than 600 volunteer opportunities exist ranging from leadership positions to working the day of the event. This is a great way to meet and work with other parishioners while serving the community!
Contact: Karen Blackwell Smith, 317-701-0169
Barb Cady, 317-506-8263
Gardening & Grounds
Work from Spring through Fall to plant, water, fertilize and weed plant beds
Contact: Molly Seidel, 317-408-3377
Reba Baker, 317-502-8060
Laura Selm, 317-502-6935
Knights of Columbus
A Catholic fraternal service organization, men of faith and men of charitable action
Contact: Judd Cromer, 317-372-6961
Eric Smith, 317-701-0157
Proclaim the Word of God during the Mass in a meaningful and reverent way
Contact: Jennifer Warren, 317-695-7702
Marriage Ministry
Promotes and supports the vocation of marriage through programs and events for married couples of all ages and stages throughout the year
Contact: Katie Duffy, 260-402-8316
Mass Livestream Team
Operates video cameras to record and broadcast Mass live for those unable to attend in person
Contact: Karen Blackwell Smith, 317-701-0169
Men’s Club Ministry
Seeks to increase fellowship among parishioner men and provides resources for on-going spiritual and structural growth of the Church, school, and community of St. Joan of Arc
Contact: Barry Pachciarz, 317-442-5542
MOMS (Ministry of Mothers Sharing)
A 9-week spiritual journey designed to help mothers look at their role from a more spiritual perspective
Contact: Alisa Kaczorowski, 574-298-1282
Laura Ryan, 317-626-3880
Money Counters
Count weekly collection
Contact: Krissy Grosvenor, 317-442-3144
Music Ministry
Assist in liturgical celebrations as a cantor, choir member, or instrumentalist
Contact: Lee Barlow, 317-283-5508
Parish Companions
Welcome and mentor new parishioners to help them become fully engaged in parish life
Contact: Melinda Rivelli, 317-283-5508
Pastoral Council
Represents the St. Joan of Arc community and advises the pastor in teaching, prayer, community and sacraments so that people are empowered to fulfill Christ’s mission
Contact: Matt Duffy, 616-293-7165
Prayer Shawl Ministry
Crochet and knit shawls in prayer for those for are ill, lonely, or have experienced trauma or loss
Contact: Nancy Clapp, 317-283-3021
Supports the school by generating fund raising activites to enhance our children's educational experience
Contact: [email protected]
Respect Life
Advocates for the recognition of the dignity of life at every stage of development and in every condition
Contact: Emily Mingus 317-797-1098
Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults (RCIA)
Introduces those interested in learning more about our Catholic faith to the teachings of the Church and the St. Joan of Arc community
Contact: Melinda Rivelli, 317-283-5508
St. Vincent de Paul Society
Provides food, clothing, appliances, and furniture to people in need
Contact: Mark Fasbinder, 317-259-0530
John Peoni, 317-283-2425
School Commission
Assures and promotes a quality education in a Christ-centered environment
Contact: Katie Matsoukas, 312-203-8440
School Volunteers
Substitute teaching, tutoring, and assisting with general office tasks
Contact: Amy Pierce, 317-283-1518
Stewardship Committee
Encourages members to make a commitment to the parish in terms of sharing their time, talent, and treasure
Contact: Meghan Archer, 317-283-5508
Strengths Team
Coordinates opportunities for parishioners to discover, explore, and develop their strengths and engage in the life of the parish
Contact: Contact: Melinda Rivelli, 317-283-5508
Welcome all, assist with collection, coordinate presentation of gifts, and tidy up pews
Contact: Eric Burns, 765-461-2694
Vacation Bible School
Offers youth the opportunity to explore Scripture through story, prayer, crafts and songs
Contact: Claire Phillips, 317-283-5508
Wedding Hostesses
Support the celebrants of the Sacrament and bring a sense of calm to the wedding party
Contact: Kathy Washburn, 317-627-9134
Women’s Ministry
Diverse group of women gathering in prayer, friendship and service to celebrate and enrich the St. Joan of Arc community
Contact: Meghan Dagon, 317-459-6372
Susie McClelland, 317-313-6239
Young Adult Leadership Team
Help plan and host spiritual, service, and social opportunities for young adults
Contact: Megan Thieme, [email protected]
Joey Nield, 847-508-5027
Youth Ministry
Assist in planning and implementation of spiritual, service, and social opportunities for teens and tweens
Contact: Kyle Murphy, 317-283-5508