Wednesday, December 11, 2024
Members Present: Matt Duffy, Nichelle Leavell, Teresa Hodgins, Jim Turner, Gregg Wallander
Member Unable to be Present: Carol Stephan
Also Present: Fr. Tom Schliessmann, Melinda Rivelli, Meghan Archer
The meeting began with prayer at 7:00 p.m. Fr. Tom led us in a reading of the Gospel for the upcoming week– Lk 3:10-18 (Gaudete Sunday) and asked everyone present to share a reflection regarding the passage.
Approval of Minutes. The minutes of the November 16, 2024, meeting of the Parish Council were unanimously approved.
From the Pastor. In his update, Fr. Tom reported on a meeting of the Council of Priests, at which Archbishop Thompson briefed attendees on many ways to participate in this the third year of the Eucharistic Revival.
Another item of note is that the bishops from the Indiana Catholic Conference met with state legislators to advance issues of importance to the church.
Fr. Tom also reported on significant roles to which three members of our parish were recently appointed. Alexander Mingus is the new Executive Director of the Indiana Catholic Conference (ICC). Roarke LaCoursiere is the new Associate Director of the ICC and Rick Rush is the new Director of Capital Projects for the Archdiocese.
Short and Simple Survey Next Steps. Council members next engaged in an extensive discussion of the work plan for top opportunities identified in parishioner responses to the Short and Simple Survey sent out last Spring. Working groups were assigned to address the (1) liturgy, (2) parish communications, (3) parish and school coordination, and (4) parish engagement initiatives. Council members are working towards creating action plans by February 2025 and completing work on identified initiatives.
Discussion of New Parish Council Member. Council members next engaged in a detailed discussion of candidates for parish council. With Gregg Wallander rolling off, we have one position open. Council members discussed several strong candidates and ultimately unanimously recommended that Josh Matthews invited to join. [Following the meeting, the invitation was extended to Josh, and he has accepted.]
Next Meeting. The next meeting of the Parish Pastoral Council will be Wednesday, January 8, at 7 p.m. The council closed with the Prayer of St. Joan of Arc, and the meeting was adjourned at 9:00 p.m.
Jim Turner