Sunday Faith Formation is the parish catechesis program designed to support parents in their role as the primary catechists for their children. Children are enrolled in grades 1-8 classroom instruction with Sophia Press' Spirit of Truth text and PreK-K in the Catechesis of the Good Shepherd Atrium 1 (starting at age 4). The Sunday Faith Formation program uses curriculum from the Sophia Institute for Teachers and taught by volunteer parishioners who lead the class through prayer, discussion of the Catholic faith, and Sacramental preparation for where applicable per child. Do you feel called to be a catechist for Sunday Faith Formation? Please reach out to the Coordinator of Religious Education.
Sunday Faith Formation classes take place September - May. We welcome new families to our Faith Formation program throughout the year. Please contact the Coordinator of Religious Education for more information or to join a class at this point in the year.
Coordinator of Religious Education
Claire Phillips
317-283-5508, ext. 1124
Children's Participation (AKA the Children's Revival of Participation in the Sunday Mass)
You may have seen a few new initiatives start this month for the children of our parish. Our goals will have staggered start times over the first 6 months of the start of this 4 year partnership with St. Meinrad School of Theology.
Read more about the program initiatives here on our website.
Saintly Scribbles - The official blog of the Children's Revival.
1. Creating a Global Spirit of Welcome
2. Providing Resources for Engagement During Mass
3. Grow Roles for Children and Training for these Roles
4. Encourage Parents as the Primary Catechists with Resources and Direct Supportive Communities
Each goal encompasses several subsets that directly address each of the 5 areas of the grant and intentional, informed, proactive, and inclusive intergenerational worship.
Learn more about
Church Tours including a schedule of 2025 tours
Sending Forth including a schedule of 2025 resources. Volunteer to help on January 5th
Coming Soon
Mass Kits
Children's Bulletins
Liturgical Minister Roles
Save the Date
Coffee and Donuts with the Children's Participation Program committee
January 5, 2025 following the 10:30 Mass
Join us for a Catechist Open House, July 27 11am-1pm, at the Parish Center Office and Patio Space.
Do you enjoy working with children and sharing our Catholic faith? Maybe you are called to be a catechist. Catechists instruct our children in the faith at our Sunday Faith Formation classes which run from September to May. It is a rewarding way to evangelize in our parish and impact the lives of our children. Contact Claire Phillips if you are interested.
Learn more about the Bible
The Bible: God's Love Letter to HumanityLearn more about faith, belief, and God the Father
Our Story: A Basic Introduction to the Bible for Catholics
The Search:What Do You Seek?The Creed
Cat Chat: Faithfulness (this is for kids)
The Journey of Faith
Is God Really Real?
The Fatherhood of God
The Creed
The Treasure of Our Soul