Would you be willing to make a meal for a parishioner family who has recently had a baby or someone who is sick or had surgery? We need more helpers! To help, please contact Alisa at [email protected].
Food & Prizes Needed for Senior Luncheon We are in need of food and prizes for our Senior Luncheon. Contact Adele Kirk
People Needed for the Livestream Team We are looking for people who are willing to livestream some our Masses and/or speakers. If interested, please contact Karen Blackwell Smith.
St. Vincent de Paul has opportunities to volunteer from home. They need phone volunteers to assist with the English and Spanish helplines and additional volunteers to field online requests. Volunteers for the English helpline should contact Heather Snyder at 309-5332678 or [email protected]. To volunteer for the Spanish helpline, contact Maria Gonzalez at 317-294-0607 or [email protected]. Online volunteers, contact Paula at [email protected], 317-403-1385. St. Vincent de Paul Boulevard Place Pantry appreciates your support both financial and with needed items such as non-perishable foods, baby needs, and home cleaning products. Current needs include baby diapers sizes 5T and 6T, baby wipes, toilet paper, vegetable oil, snack foods, boxed rice and pasta meals, ketchup, mustard, mayonnaise, ranch dressing, cereal and as always, canned chicken, soup, pasta and sauces. Items can be placed in the red wagons located at the entrances of the Church.
Care Package Delivery People Needed Help us deliver a little cheer to our homebound parishioners, some of our seniors, those who are ill or who have recently lost a loved one. Deliveries will be ready for pick up toward the end of the month and can be delivered at your convenience within a c ertain window of time. Contact Claire Phillips if you'd be willing to help.
We thank you, dear parishioners, for all the help you have given in responding to our many requests: diapers, prizes and food for our Senior luncheons, delivery people, and the Coat Drive, which had a tremendous response. We are grateful.
Has God been tugging at your heart to volunteer in some capacity? Can you spare 2-3 hours a month to serve God when it is convenient for you? The Altar Society is in need of a couple of people to help with cleaning the church, cleaning out candle votives, or laundering. Please e-mail or call Kelly Barmann or Judy Barmann at 317-371-6691 Blind parishioner needs a ride to 10:30 Mass Weekly. Please contact Melinda if you would be willing to provide transportation.
Daytime Volunteers Needed at the St. Vincent de Paul Distribution Center. It's our turn to provide volunteers at the St. Vincent de Paul Distribution Center next week, Monday-Friday from 9:00 am until noon. Volunteers will assist with tagging and hanging clothing; sorting household items and linens; and possibly assembling bar stools and other pieces of furniture. If you can help, sign up at svdpindy.org. Contact Darlene with questions. Altar Servers Needed. Questions, contact Daniel Skora.
We have a group of parishioners who so graciously share our faith by bringing the Eucharist weekly to shut-ins and by praying with them. If you know a parishioner who is homebound and would like to have someone from this group visit, call the parish office at 317-283-5508. And, if you would like to share your faith in this manner, please contact David Fisher. Extraordinary Ministers of the Eucharist (EME's) are still needed. We are in need of several Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion for Sunday 8:30 am Mass. Training will be provided. You may have some reservations regarding the distribution of the Host or the Cup, and those can be accomodated. If you have question before you commit or to express interest, please contact Deacon Mark Henry. Birthline Volunteers Needed. Birthline needs volunteers to help make layettes, meet with clients, and sort through donations. Located at 1435 N. Illinois, help is needed on Mondays and Wednesdays from 9:00 am - 2:30 pm and on Tuesdays from 9:00 am - noon. People are also needed to make/accept calls from home. For more information regarding Birthline and/or the current volunteer needs, contact Kristine Hanson at 317-236-1433 or [email protected]. Children's Revival of Participation Team Members needed. We are looking for people to help with the Children’s Revival of Participation at Sunday Mass initiative of Saint Meinrad Seminary and School of Theology. It is a transformative initiative funded by Lilly Foundation, Inc. and is set to enhance and increase children’s involvement in regular Sunday Masses. While there are five areas, we still need individuals who would like to focus on two areas in particular: the Liturgy of the Word as well as ways to live the liturgical calendar at home. For more information, contact Claire Thompson at 317-283-5508, ext. 1123. We are in need of someone to help coordinate our funeral luncheons as well as someone to coordinate the various all-parish receptions throughout the year. If you would be willing to help with either of these ministries, please contact Melinda. The St. Vincent de Paul group is seeking sponsors to help support their Dream a Little Dream mattress program. Pull up www.svdpindy.org/dreams/ to see how you can help. SVDP also desperately needs children’s winter coats sizes 2T-18. Please check your closets. You can drop them off at the Distribution Center, 1201 E. Maryland, or at any of the blue donation boxes around the city. St. Thomas Aquinas and Bishop Chatard each have one.
Help serve the homeless of Indianapolis. In addition to what is listed below, donations of bottled water, travel-size shaving cream, deodorant, and shampoo would also be greatly appreciated.