The Archdiocese of Indianapolis and parishes sponsor sports programs for Catholic youth as one part of a comprehensive ministry to youth in the Church. The sports programs are often called Catholic Youth Organization or CYO. The sports programs are jointly administrated by the parishes and the CYO Office. The CYO sports programs exist in the Archdiocese only to help young people practice and live Gospel values through athletic experiences.
Our Athletic Director, Brett Herschel, reminds all parents to return the Physical Forms as soon as possible, and for anyone playing a sport this year to fill out the code of conduct form and return it to the school or church office.
We have a basketball opportunity for second and third graders which is not easy to find! For more information contact Dan Thompson.
Code of Conduct Forms & Physicals Needed. If you haven't already done so, turn in your Code of Conduct forms and student physicals. It is important that these items are turned in before the start of the season.
Loving God,
We gather in your name Respecting each other,
Supported by parents, led by coaches, guided by officials.
When we practice, give us strength.
When we play, give us courage.
When we win, give us humility.
St Joan of Arc, Pray for us!
Girls Basketball Coach Needed
Contact Mr. Herschel ASAP if interested
Volleyball Opportunities
Winter II Youth Academy
January 13-February 20
This is a training focused program where we will go over all the basic skills of volleyball including passing, setting, hitting, and serving. We will meet once a week. There are 4 tiers in this program Little, Junior, Select, and Advanced. This will depend on the athlete’s age or skill level.
January 17-February 21
This is training focused on enhancing the skills of volleyball in all aspects and will
meet every Fridays for 6 weeks 5:30-7:30pm. Every 3rd Friday athletes will have the opportunity to play in game focused drills allowing them to use their learned skills on court.
As with all ministries to youth in the Catholic Church, the goals of the CYO program are listed on “Renewing the Vision: A Framework for Catholic Youth Ministry”. This document first written as A Vision of Youth Ministry in 1976 by the Department of Education. The United States Catholic Conference issued a new vision for ministry with young people that blended the best of all past efforts with emerging ideas from Catholic leaders across the country. Simply put in the vision papers, “Youth Ministry is the response of the Christian community to the needs of young people, and the sharing of the unique gifts of youth with the larger community”.
Essentially in CYO sports, the purpose is to foster the total personal and spiritual development of the young person. CYO sports are for all youth in the Catholic Church, and reflect the diversity of the community, including these with all levels of gifts and abilities.
In CYO sports, Christian values such as fair play, sportsmanship, honesty, respect, loyalty, patience, tolerance, gratitude and humility must be taught in words and actions.
The ultimate responsibility for the success of CYO sports rests with the administrators and coaches at each parish. The adults selected to provide witness to the young people through the ministry of CYO sports must know that the program exists to foster the Christian growth of young people, only. These individuals must be held to accountable by the parish community to always model Catholic values and virtues.
CYO sports can be a rewarding ministry to young people, and help them to reach their God-given potential. CYO sports plays a vital role in total youth ministry for the Archdiocese of Indianapolis, allowing youth to become responsible members of their faith community.
If you have not already done so, turn in your Code of Conduct forms and student physicals. It is important that these items are turned in before the start of the season.
Students interested in running track and field can join with those at IHM.
Also, an assistant soccer coach is needed.
Contact Brett Herschel to indicate interest.